Month: August 2017

Spotted Jewelweed

Impatiens Capensis, also known as Spotted Jewelweed, Spotted Touch-me-not, and Orange touch-me-not, has decided that it likes the conditions in our back yard. I know it is a weed, but as Eeyore says,  “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them”. They grow in moist shady areas, in woods, streams and river banks. […]

Snapping Turtles

It’s been awhile since I took some pictures of snapping turtles. We see them in springtime, laying eggs alongside the road. My sister and her husband were here for a short time, and she was hoping to see a snapping turtle. So … we stopped and took some photos. The next pictures are of one swimming […]

An Emerging Dragonfly

When I was out in my kayak a week or so ago, I saw something strange floating in the water. As I got closer, it looked like a dragonfly … or two. I wasn’t sure what, but took the picture to find out what it was. When I looked it up, it seems that this […]