Category: Birds

Chipping Sparrow

It’s been hard to get a picture of the chipping sparrow because they are hardly still. The only time I saw them still was in the bird feeder, and occasionally in the trees where it is harder to get a clear picture. They are a common sparrow to have around, according to the information I […]

Trumpeter Swans

We had four trumpeter swans on our lake this week. I was only able to get pictures of three of them as the other one was too far across the lake. They are beautiful birds to watch. None of them looked like they had tags on them. They may have had leg bands on them, […]

Dark-Eyed Juncos

We’ve been blessed with a flock of dark-eyed juncos in our backyard for the last week or so. They are getting more comfortable with the noises of us moving around and are coming to the window feeder more often. Usually they would just feed off of the ground and not come close to the house. […]


As far as I know, this is a sharp-shinned hawk. Apparently it is difficult to know the difference between a Sharp-Shinned Hawk and a Cooper’s Hawk. There is a difference in size, with the Sharp-Shinned Hawk being smaller than the Cooper’s Hawk. The female Sharp-Shinned is similar in size to the male Cooper’s Hawk. This […]

More Photos of Barred Owl

The barred owl stayed in our area for a couple of days, which gave me some time to get some more photos. It spent most of the day in the tree and was intently watching the squirrels in our yard. I cropped a couple of photos so that we can see the face, and the […]

A Barred Owl Visits

We had a visit from a barred owl today. It’s been quite awhile since we saw one in our yard. It stayed throughout most of the day and for most of the time, stayed up in a tree watching for something to eat. I had the opportunity to see it taking off from the tree […]


About a week or two ago, we had some trumpeter swans in the river at the end of the lake. There were three of them. Two of them looked like adults, and one looked like a cygnet (young swan). We haven’t seen them for a couple of years. I took some pictures of them a […]

Mourning Doves

We have several mourning doves staying in our area. I know a lot of people find them to be a nuisance, but we have been enjoying seeing them. This morning they were sitting on trees with the sun shining on them, and the trees behind were in shadow – perfect chance to get some pictures. […]