Category: Uncategorized

Using Photos on Bookmarks

Have you ever taken a photo and wondered what other things you could do with it? I experimented with some photos to see if I could use them on some bookmarks. The bookmarks may be used if I go into more family photography.This first photo was taken of two girls sitting in the snow watching […]

One year review

August 7, 2011 was the date I started this blog. I wasn’t sure about starting one and wondered if I could/would keep it up. I also wondered about what the purpose of my blog would be. I think I can express those thoughts a bit more now. I would like to have this blog: Reflect […]

A Broken Camera

My camera broke. This was not a nice feeling for me. The main dial no longer allows me to change my shutter or aperture. I was looking into getting it repaired, but my husband and I talked about it, and I’ve decided to get a new camera. In the meantime, I wanted to test the […]

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding hearts have many names:  Dicentra spectabilis, Lady’s Locket, Lady in a Boat, Valentine Heart, Dutchman’s Trousers, Dutchmen’s Breeches, Glory Bower, and Lady-in-a-Bath. I don’t know how many other names there might be, but I was surprised when I started looking.The sun was setting when I took these pictures, and was shining through the hedge behind these […]

Have a Good Easter!

How do people celebrate Easter?  Just as Santa Claus draws away from the real reason for Christmas, we see the same thing happening at Easter with the Easter bunny and Easter eggs.Our church had a Good Friday Brunch yesterday. There were about 80 people there, and we had an uplifting message pointing to our Lord […]