Mama Raccoon’s Frustration

This past week, we spent a few days at Presqu’ile Provincial Park. I’ll post photos from our time there in the next few weeks. One of the highlights for us was watching a mother raccoon trying to move her kit to another place. All of the photos were taken with my long lens (600 mm) as we did not want to interfere or cause any issues for the mother raccoon.

We were riding our bikes, and heard this loud chattering noise. At first we thought it was some kind of bird, but we soon realized it was a baby raccoon squawking and crying. It did not want to cooperate.

Every chance the baby raccoon had, it tried to get away. The poor mother kept trying and the baby kept trying to get away – with lots of noise at the same time.

The baby raccoon seemed to be too young to be out on its own, but it sure looked and sounded like that was what it wanted.

Updated: June 11, 2023 — 12:02 am

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